Sunday, October 28, 2007

stolen brooks #2

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me

so my sister and i were having a few afternoon beers today and when we came out of the bar, my brooks saddle was gone off my bike. fuck. that's the second stolen b.17 i've had in under half a year. i know, i should have had it on quick release or locked it to the frame, but what sort of a world do we live in where these are even concerns? seriously, fuck crackheads and fuck bike thieves. no more "blaming the victim" shit. fuck that. i'm pissed. off to the lbs to by a new one tomorrow (which will be PERMANENTLY locked). it's not the money, it's the time invested working it in and the feeling that you've been kicked in the gut when you see your bike with a naked seat post and the utter lack of faith you have in humanity after it happens.....
goodnight sweet prince.....
see you on the road (and if you've got my saddle, you're fuuuuuuucked....),


Rai Dordai said...

the identifying horse bite should be enough to locate it. FUCK FUCK FUCK Toronto sucks for that kind of shit. I was at the store the other day and saw a bridgestone track frame with durace hubs, sick araya rims and all parts durace with no lock. Just sitting there. No one even looked at it. If that were Toronto it would've been gone in a second.

the coelacanth said...

yup. got a honey b.17 champion special (beauty) on sale for $85 yesterday, and the slow working in process begins again.....