Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hero eh!?!

What do people think of you when they call up and ask if you want a beer? You say "yes, i was just about to go and get one" and then there is a knock at the door and they are calling from their cell phone. They enter and hand you three beers asking if you have ordered pizza. Then you get another call and the person is asking if your're busy. Turns out they are just in the neighbourhood and wanna swing by. The person comes over and exchanges money with the aforeentioned beer bringer and a stem is produced. Turns out they knew you would be home and would have tools so the stem could be set up. The first person also happens to have the mash dvd on his person and everyone views it. I could have had plans or been out of the house. I could be on a no beer kick and just want to be with my family. coulda

1 comment:

the coelacanth said...

SIIIIIICK stem. oh hey wanna beer? you order pies already?