Sunday, November 4, 2007

velowe'en v.2.0

i know i said i would post photos of halloween and biking in costume, but things got a little hazy, i got a little lazy, and before you knew it, it was all over. nothing - NOTHING - beats biking down queen st. on a saturday night, home-made cape flapping in the wind and people staring and gasping "look at the ghouls!!!!"......360 days and counting until next year......
see you on the road,


Rai Dordai said...

Sick sick sick. sounds like a p's for a p night and I am hoping it's delivered by a yp.

the coelacanth said...

oh it most definitely was p's for a p. and then we stayed up until 5 am watching halloween III, fright night and suspiria. good times!!!!!