Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer, I guess or while do we call them tallboys?

The order of the photos is way out of wack because I uploaded them in the order that I remembered them leading to when had I ever thought about order. If I were one to have ever given the time of day to order I would find internet porn way way out in a an illegal immigrant safety city. I've heard they have those in America. Those cities are handjobs for the bible studies kids because the US is all like " we don't need em but I need em!". I put the all like in italics because Americans all say that before everything they fucking say. I don't care Whites, Blacks, neither, whatever.......talking to them is like being forced to watch eraserhead 40 times in a row.

the DR. came over and we went to the new drinking spot because I wanted to ride his bike and he really wanted to drink. While there real bike riders came by but I didn't bother to take a picture because I couldn't be.....hey a duck. The new drinking spot is by the river and it has ducks and frogs and Asians. If this place were in Toronto all the hipsters would be heading there to see the asians and all the asians would be there for the avians. Good luck in the olympics, yeah fucks!
I am down to skid on tubular if I don't have to buy it. I also got a beer or two of the DR. The night was so bad I sweat through my wife's underwear, they really cut into my thighs.

This post was in fun and I really had riding and hanging out late at night, thanks for the beer MUTE, get out there and do something now. This summer is the last one we will have.

1 comment:

the coelacanth said...

i know what you mean about the sweats - it's so fackin hot/humid here i have to put a plastic bag over my saddle every time i ride for fear of ruining it with salt/beer ass sweat - that and i haven't done laundry in a month, ran out of underwear two weeks ago and have been free-balling it in a pair of cut off cords that, due to said sweating, have a certain patina in the crotchal zone (also because of wiping there after peeing) and the back crack area is brownish and has the odour of an ancient, ancient dead body's anus. doing laundry today....or tomorrow. if i had any, i'd be losing friends faster than than a yp does simple algebra calculations within his dome piece...