Friday, September 12, 2008

The one you love....................

The process is long and you have to figure if it's worth it in the long run. "my house is only 9 minutes from the station" yet you know that walking that 9 minutes could possibly make you late or allow you to hold an umbrella and smoke while checking your text messages without running into someone. Yet your here, the bicycle shop, where you need to figure out whether you're going to ride or walk away. The away part echos in your head and you remember that it took over 11 minutes to walk here because there wasn't a bike shop closer to the station. F it all in the end because it's only a hundred and forty bucks and you can't stand walking to the stationanymore. Get that commuter bike and let her roll! Roll all over town, to the river, to the shop and fucking beyond! You aren't walking anymore, you're coasting and what could be better!?! Fuck, the Tokyo police have nothing better to do than to sit around and make sure someone isn't jacking your laziness wheeler. They pay full on task forces to hang out in the rain and hassle people commuting by bicycle so why would you ever questions yourchari'ssafety. yet there she lay at the river. Reviving an Eloi after puller her out of the water would be less hassle because drowning chicks don't rust and the cops don't care about dead chicks. Had I brought this bike home I could lose my visa and possibly get locked up but someone can buy and leave it there for fucking ever. It's 2 months and standing so I welcome her to the urban decayathon. Everytime I see one of these, or several hundred, laying on the street I wonder if the person was happy riding it home from the shop or they knew that in six months they were just going to ditch it and get a new one.

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