Wednesday, January 23, 2008

eff fenders, this is what i really need

the snow and ice all around you melting as you ride, like m-f'ing ghost rider 'n shit. procuring one of these might involve some kind of "deal" with the devil, though, as i've checked craigslist, and there seem to be scant options for a burning bike. but i already have a name for her picked out, and tell me it ain't absooolutely inspired......onibaba.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I rode by myself last night and I was thinking about all the time I've wasted in my life. It never sank in how much I could be doing when I was idle. When Julien came out of the swirling life orifice it was like a giant fast forward was pushed by an unseen hand sending my life into hyper speed. The kicker is that all the stuff you don't do or fail to acknowledge can have significant impact on you later in life. If you have a beer you don't really think about your life in the long run and then at the end of the year you wonder how much beer you've consumed and if all the expense totalled could by bike parts. In my case I never really paid attention to how I rode and the other night I noticed my seat was twisted up like an overcooked hotdog. Along the way I hadn't noticed and now at the end of 2007 I have a funky saddle. I guess the point I would like to make is that every moment should count because saddles can be adjusted but other innocuous acts could come back and bite you. See you out there.